Newtown Author Offers A Serving Of "Chicken Soup for The Soul"
When it comes to being a professional writer, Newtown resident Sophfronia Scott has seen it all. From writing articles for Time Magazine and People to publishing a novel and penning non-fiction books on how to get ahead in the world of business, Ms Scott knows what it takes to make it as an author. So much so, in fact, that after her novel All I Need to Get By was published in 2004, she started a business helping people write their own books.
Fortunately for aspiring writers, some of Ms Scott’s wisdom, which she has accumulated over two decades of working as a professional author, has recently been published in the anthology Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers. Ms Scott’s essay, “A Change of Direction” is one of 101 short articles that offer guidance, support and advice to aspiring writers.
In her essay Ms Scott shares a personal experience, which made her realize that even though she was helping other people accomplish their literary goals, she was discounting her own personal ambitions as an author. The essay culminates with Ms Scott going back to school to pursue a master’s degree in writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts (VCFA).
Ms Scott said the essay holds special significance to her, due to the personal and inspiring nature of the article.
“This one really means something to me because of where I am as a writer right now,” she said. “I know other writers have this issue of life getting in the way. I was really happy to give the example of really breaking through and putting my writing in the front and center of my life.”
Expecting to graduate from VCFA in summer of 2014 with dual master degrees in creative writing fiction and creative writing nonfiction, Ms Scott plans on teaching writing at the college level after graduation. She has found her decisions to go back to school enjoyable and worthwhile.
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done in terms of my writing and my career,” Ms Scott said.
In the meantime, Ms Scott is working as a substitute bus driver for All Star Transportation in Newtown to finance her college degree. In addition to providing money, working as a bus driver has yielded material for another essay Ms Scott wrote, entitled “Living by the Light of a Smile.” The essay will be published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Reader’s Choice 20th Anniversary Edition, scheduled for release on June 25.
To keep up with Ms Scott, visit her website, which includes a biography, publication history, media page, and calendar of appearances and events.