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A Successful Coffee Stop



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A Successful Coffee Stop

To the Editor:

Over this Memorial Day Weekend, Boy Scout Troop 370 held its annual Coffee Stop.  As one of their community service projects the scouts and their families sponsor and host the free coffee stop throughout the weekend for the many travelers that pass through Newtown.

We would like to acknowledge the following who have supported our troop:  Associated Refuse and Haulers, Bagel Delight, Berkshire Veterinary Hospital, Big Y Supermarket, The Blue Colony Diner, Cedar Hill Electric, Chartwells School Dining Services, CL&P, Connecticut State Department of Tourism, Costco, Dunkin’ Donuts-Newtown, Dunkin’ Donuts-Monroe, Donut Inn, Doughnut Shopp-Shelton, Guida Dairy, Fireside Inn, Friendly Service Stations-Citgo-Newtown, Mobil Station-Newtown, MSC Industrial Supply, My Place, Newtown Hardware, Newtown United Methodist Church, Noies L. Richards, Twin Donut-Bronx, N.Y., Shell Station-Newtown, Stew Leonard’s, Shop Rite-Brookfield, Stop & Shop-Newtown, The Town of Newtown; Newtown Building Health, Parks & Recreation, Public Works Departments, and Wal-Mart.  The committee also wants to thank the families of Troop 370 for their long hours at the coffee stop and Jane Duffy for all the treats and warm food she so generously provided.

On behalf of Troop 370 we express are deep appreciation to all our friends in scouting.

Donna Sapienza

Coffee Stop Coordinator

BSA Troop 370

6 Stone Gate Drive, Sandy Hook                                 May 30, 2005

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