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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Head O' Meadow's Annual Art Show



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For the first year, said Head O’ Meadow Elementary School art teacher Donna Perugini, her school’s annual art show included works created by kindergarten students, thanks to the addition of full-day kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year.

This year’s art show, held Wednesday, May 14, included a sampling of projects created throughout the school year from kindergarten to fourth grade students. The school was opened in the evening for the event, and artwork was on display along the perimeter of the school’s library/media center for families to peruse.

Artworks on display ranged from coiled clay snakes created by first graders to monochromatic color paintings created by fourth graders.

Surrounded by visiting students and parents, Ms Perugini said, of all of her art students, “I’m so proud. I’m so proud of them. They did such fabulous jobs.”

More photos from the annual art show are available in this week’s photo gallery here.

Fourth grade creations inspired by the artist Keith Haring were on display during Head O’ Meadows annual art show, held Wednesday, May 14.
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