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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Sandy Hook School Spring Concert Assembly Held



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Ahead of the chorus’s Spring Concert held on Thursday, May 14, Sandy Hook School’s fourth grade students sang during an assembly on Wednesday, May 13.

Under the direction of Sandy Hook School music teacher Maryrose Kristopik, students performed songs both on their recorders and by singing.

Songs performed by the students included the Sandy Hook School song, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “Saints on Parade,” Everybody Smiles,” and “I’m Flying.”

As the final song for the performance was about to start, Ms Kristopik introduced it by explaining that it included highlights from music history and that students were dressing up to represent those different periods of history. The song, “The Complete History of Western Music,” began with an example of mediaeval music and spanned to contemporary music.

Sandy Hook School fourth grader Stephen Cook, left, dressed as a Star Wars character to represent contemporary music during a performance for the fourth grade’s Spring Concert assembly on Wednesday, May 13.
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