What was the most recent movie you've watched, and did you like it?
Published: May 28, 2010 12:00 am
What was the most recent movie youâve watched, and did you like it?
Anishi Kalaria: How To Train Your Dragon, and I liked it.
Ayo Yusuf: Astro Boy. Itâs my favorite because of how action it was.
Nicole DeMotte: Diary of A Wimpy Kid. It was funny.
Luc Zipkin: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I just liked it.
Max Porter: Madagascar 2. I liked the song at the beginning, and it was sweet. I liked all of it.
Max Sommer: How To Train Your Dragon or Madagascar, the first one. I donât know which I saw first. How To Train Your Dragon was silly, and I liked Madagascar 1 because it was also silly.