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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Condemn All War Crimes



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To the Editor:

People of conscience should condemn war crimes committed by Israel.

The Geneva Convention and international law forbids the deliberate targeting of hospitals and medical facility infrastructures. During its wholesale air and artillery bombardment of Gaza City, Israel deliberately targeted and ravaged the principal hospital there and at least one other critical medical clinic, staffed by Doctors without Borders. Also destroyed was the one COVID-19 test site in the city. It is understood that these specific facilities were not hit by accident; they were not “collateral damage.” GPS coordinates of humanitarian, nonmilitary sites were provided to and known by the Israeli military. This kind of information is provided for the very purpose of preventing accidental attacks upon them.

In addition, Israel’s bombardment deliberately targeted and destroyed as much civilian infrastructure as it could, prior to the cease fire that international revulsion finally forced upon it. The intent was to bring the city to its knees. Israeli intelligence knows exactly where Hamas has its tunnels and its weapons depots and rocket installations. These were legitimate targets under agreed upon international law, but hospitals, clinics, schools, and critical civilian infrastructure like water mains were not.

When terrorist or authoritarian regimes follow policies and commit acts that are forbidden to all nations under the Geneva Convention, the USA has condemned these acts, and called for investigations and accountability. President Biden should do no less in the case of Israel.

Polly Brody

Heritage Village, Southbury May 28, 2021

Brody, a published author, is a former resident of Newtown.

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