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St Rose Celebrates First Mass On Campus Following Pandemic Lockdown



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On Sunday May 24, at noon, St Rose of Lima Parish in Newtown celebrated its first Mass on campus since the COVID-19 lockdown on March 16.

Following federal, state and Diocesan mandates, Monsignor Robert Weiss, pastor, designed a “Parking Lot Mass” in which parishioners entered the campus and remained in their cars while clergy celebrated Mass under a tent. The Mass was broadcast on FM radio so parishioners could follow along on their smart devices while in their cars.

The Parish’s volunteer security team and Knights of Columbus members assisted in directing the cars and aiding in the logistics of the celebration.

Among the logistics was the parking of vehicles in every other parking spot, keeping distance between each attending individual, couple, or family. To help with this, Monsignor Weiss had issued an invitation for parishioners to help ahead of the Mass.

Parishioners were encouraged to pick up one of the church’s folding chairs, take it home “and paint it in bright colors,” the monsignor said via an online post. “Feel free to decorate with appropriate words or symbols,” he added.

The chairs were returned by May 23, so that the following morning they were in place.

Per the Diocese of Bridgeport, church buildings remain closed for public worship. The buildings will remain closed until new directives are issued, as part of a uniform policy that is being observed by all the parishes in the Bridgeport diocese.

Monsignor Weiss was pleased with the turnout for the inaugural Parking Lot Mass.

“Our parishioners and clergy alike have been hopeful that as a community, we can celebrate together in some fashion, and this weekend’s Parking Lot Mass was a first successful pass at making that happen”, he said. “We are an incredibly active parish and it has been difficult to curtail our celebrations and outreach programs, but we have been steadfast in adhering to the guidelines set before us.”

Monsignor Weiss said turnout was as expected and he is optimistic attendance will grow quickly as people feel more comfortable and restrictions are lifted.

A church representative said that approximately 25 vehicles were in the parking lot on May 24. The schedule for the upcoming week follows.

St Rose Masses, May 30-June 5

Saturday, May 30: 4 pm, Livestream Mass;

Sunday, May 31: 7:30 am, Parking Lot Mass *for those age 65 and over only; 10:30 am, Livestream Mass; noon, Parking Lot Mass; 5 pm, Parking Lot Mass; and

Monday-Friday, June 1-5: 6:45 am, Livestream Mass; 9 am, Parking Lot Mass.

For those who plan to attend, please note space is limited. Vehicles are admitted first-come, first-serve, and each vehicle must have a signed copy of the St Rose Parking Lot Mass Directives for the Mass they are attending.

The forms must be downloaded from the church’s website (strosechurch.com) and filled out in advance. Parking lot attendants will ask those without the forms to leave.

Entry to the parking lot is only during the 30 minutes prior to each Mass, and all are expected to stay for the duration of the Mass.

Restrooms are not available on-site.

In the event of rain or other inclement weather, Parking Lot Mass will be canceled.

St Rose of Lima Church held its first Mass on campus last weekend, inviting parishioners to join clergy for a Parking Lot Mass. Attendees remained in their vehicles and were able to listen on smart devices as clergy offered a noon Mass on May 24. —Bee Photo, Voket
A newly painted chair denotes a parking space that is not to be occupied during the May 24 Parking Lot Mass at St Rose Church. Parishioners were invited to take home metal folding chairs and paint them ahead of the new offering. —Stephanie DeBartolomeo photo
Monsignor Robert Weiss, left, leads a portion of Mass on Sunday, May 24, when St Rose of Lima Church celebrated its first on-campus gathering in nearly eight weeks. Among those joining Monsignor Weiss were, continuing right, Father Alphonse Arokiam, and Deacons Rick Scinto and Mike Ronan. Under the tent, but hidden from view, is Deacon Norm Roos. —Stephanie DeBartolomeo photo
Another painted chair in the parking lot at St Rose prevents a vehicle from parking in that space. Approximately 25 vehicles were in the lot on May 24, when the town’s Catholic parish hosted its first Parking Lot Mass. —Stephanie DeBartolomeo photo
Eileen and Al Gallo stand with the chair they decorated for the St Rose Parking Lot Mass celebrations that launched last weekend. —Bee Photo, Crevier
One parishioner incorporated a message from Matthew (“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”) with a very contemporary update: the artist of this chair added the words “...from six feet apart,” and a face mask on the figure painted onto the chair. —Bee Photo, Crevier
Returned chairs, now with fresh coats of paint and unique designs, were returned to the parking lot of St Rose of Lima Church by late Saturday afternoon, May 23. —Bee Photo, Crevier
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