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Fixated On Niceness



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Fixated On Niceness

To the Editor:

There was a recent letter about “Growing Vitriol In Newtown” [Letter Hive, 5/20/11]. It described an attitude of negativity and unkindness that has “crept into” Newtown in contrast with his “Nicer in Newtown” bumper sticker.

This is not meant to single the author of that letter out in any way, but he is continuing the long-standing debate in The Bee over whether or not it is “Nicer in Newtown.” I believe “Nicer in Newtown” was an advertising slogan created for the purpose of selling real estate about 20 years ago. People have been debating this vital question ever since. As far as I know, it is not an official town policy, slogan, or part of the zoning laws, there are no official standards for just how nice it has to be here and we are not guaranteed a certain share of niceness in return for paying our property taxes.

Niceness is a relative thing. It is highly subjective and culturally determined. Some people feel that an ever-expanding town budget is nice and some people feel financially pressed and think it would be nice if their taxes did not increase. Some folks think a spirited debate is nice and some would like everyone to think just like they do. “Nicer in Newtown” was just advertising and nothing more. I think it is absurd and funny how often people write letters deploring the loss of niceness or pointing out how very nice it still is. For the record, when I consider the violence, poverty, and oppression that is happening in so many parts of the world, I would have to cast my vote with those who feel it is nice here.

Nancy Cullen

10 Orchard Hill Road, Newtown                                                                     May 21, 2011

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