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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Summer Health Seminar Series



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Summer Health Seminar Series

WASHINGTON — On Friday mornings at 10:30 am during June, Gunn Memorial Library will host a series of lectures focusing on health and nutrition.

The series will be presented by Diane Decker, MS, and Jane Chrystal, PhD.

The lectures will be as follows:

June 3, “Diets Don’t Work” by Ms Chrystal;

June 10, “Sugar — It’s Not as Sweet as You Think” by Ms Decker;

June 17, “Journaling for Health” by Ms Decker; and

June 24, “Emotional Eating” by Ms Chrystal.

Diane Decker is a freelance writer and lecturer who specializes in health and nutrition. She has a master’s degree in human nutrition. She has published a series of health articles in local newspapers on the current childhood obesity epidemic, the devastating effects of frequently consumed beverages, parenting, and women’s health.

She frequently presents information to students on their diets, beverage choices, cafeteria choices, and the need for consistent exercise. She also provides information on basic nutrition, healthy grocery shopping, and journaling.

Jane Chrystal, PhD, is a health and wellness coach committed to empowering people in their relationship with their bodies, with food, and with eating. She has written articles on the business and politics of food, why diets don’t work, and the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger.

Her forthcoming book Fat, Flabby and Fed-up — Is it all my fault? will take a radical approach to food, taste, and eating.

Gunn Memorial Library is at 5 Wykeham Road, off Route 47 in Washington Green. Call 860-868-7586 for program details or other information.

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