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Free Screening Of Rusyn Documentary



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Free Screening Of

Rusyn Documentary

BRIDGEPORT — The New England Chapter of the Carpatho Rusyn Society will present a free screening of the outstanding documentary Legacy of Faith on Saturday, June 4, at 1:30 pm, at St John’s Church auditorium, 348 Mill Hill Avenue. Producer and director Joanne Medvecky will offer remarks prior to the screening.

The film is the story of Rusyn families who came to New York City from their homelands in present-day eastern Slovakia. The film captures the poignant and often humorous stories of three generations of parishioners of St Nicholas of Myra Church on East 10th Street on the Lower East Side of New York City.

Many who have already seen Legacy of Faith say it is a most remarkably clear presentation of the history of the Rusyn people.

Copies of the film will be available for purchase. For more information, call 914-273-9019.

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