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Civil War FirearmsExhibit & Lecture, June 6



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Civil War Firearms

Exhibit & Lecture, June 6

BROOKFIELD — The Brookfield Museum and Historical Society will host a program and exhibit on Civil War firearms on Monday, June 6, beginning at 7 pm.

The exhibit will include pieces from the personal collection of military weapons owned by Ron Brown of Newtown.

Mr Brown, who has enjoyed a lifelong interest on the subject, will display an assortment of rifle and handguns used by both the Union and Confederate forces during the war.

The program is part of a continuing forum on the Civil War hosted by the historical society. It will take place at the historical society’s museum, located at the intersection of Routes 25 and 133 in Brookfield Center.

Admission is free and open to the public.

For more information on this and other programs being offered by Brookfield Historical Society call 740-8140 or visit www.BrookfieldCTHistory.org.

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