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Newtown, CT, USA
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Scott Volmer, of Sandy Hook, received a bachelor of arts degree in hospitality and tourism management from Johnson State College on May 14. Matthew Saunders of Sandy Hook received a bachelor of science in management, cum laude, from Providence College on May 15. Michael Pierce has received his master’s degree in elementary education from Sacred Heart University. Mr Pierce is currently a teacher at Rockwell Elementary School in Bethel. Shannon Kate Rouse received a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Wake Forest University on May 16.

Christopher Piselli of Sandy Hook received a bachelor of arts in communication from Bryant University. Jared Nathanson received a bachelor of science in business administration and finance from Bryant University on May 21. Kevin Michael Crane and Glenn Tierney Stiewing received undergraduate certificates from Eastern Connecticut State University on May 22. Kyle Christopher Coney received his bachelor of business administration from the Ancell School of Business at Western Connecticut State University on May 22.

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