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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Jordan Cicchesi



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Occupation: My job is at FAITH Food Pantry. I mark and label anything that needs to be marked and labeled. I push the shopping cart out for people who have donations and for people when they come to pick up groceries for the week. I go to the person’s car with another member and load their car with the food. It is a blessing to be part of it. FAITH Food Pantry is an incredible pantry. I made a family here.

Family: My dad, David Cicchesi, has been my rock. My stepmom’s name is Pam, but everyone calls her Muffin. I have a stepsister Gabby and a stepbrother Nicky. My half-brother James, my sister-in-law Maggie, my niece Emma, and my nephew Nickson live in Florida. Ben Mason, Dan Mason, Seth Willis, and Alea Willis are my brothers and sister, too, even though we are from different families.

Pets: I have two pit bulls, Rosie and Bruno. They’ll lick you as if you’re chocolate ice cream. Our other dog, JoJo. He is cute and friendly but also mischievous.

How long have you lived in Newtown? I went to Middle Gate and Sandy Hook Elementary, then my grandfather and grandmother sold their house in Connecticut. One by one, my family moved to Florida. My dad and I did, too. I went to multiple elementary schools and Trafalgar Middle School. I had an amazing teacher there, Ms Deborah Broderick. She never let me down. I moved back up to Connecticut, just me and my dad, for better schooling. It’s amazing what this town and community is like; it’s above and beyond kind. Then I went to Newtown High School.

What do you like to do in your free time? I love sports and I have a gigantic passion for photography. I take pictures of cars like Lamborghinis, Subaru WRX, Nissan GT-R, and Ferraris.

What is your favorite book? I like adventure and mystery books. Robert Louis Stevenson is my favorite author. I like The Mysterious Island and Treasure Island.

What is your favorite travel destination? The M&M Factory in New York. If I was a billionaire, I’d buy the place. I would love to travel to Italy. My ancestors are from there. I’d also like to go to Mexico, New Mexico, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Ireland, the Bahamas, Spain, and Ellis Island to go into the Statue of Liberty.

What organizations were you part of in Newtown? I was the water boy, then eventually I was on the high school football team. I went out of the field with them and was on the sidelines with them and got to stretch and warm up with them. It was a brotherhood. I also did Unified Sports, Special Olympics, basketball, track and field, soccer, and Best Buddies in high school.

I used to be a Police Cadet with the Newtown PD. Being in Cadets was a great blessing. I want to go to school and become a police officer at the Newtown PD. No matter what people say about police officers, they do their job and they risk their lives for the greater good. I look up to Officer Figol and Officer Hayes. They inspire me. I don’t want to be a police officer just to be a police officer, I want to serve my country with pride, honor, selflessness, and courage.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My dad. He is hard working, helps others, and gets jobs done. He’s funny, inclusive, strong, smart, loving, and caring.

Who is your favorite musical artist? For hip-hop: Beastie Boys, Eazy-E, N.W.A., Tupac, Eminem, and Biggie Smalls. For rock and roll: Metallica, Quiet Riot, AC/DC, Skid Row, KISS, White Snake, Alice in Chains, Ozzy Osbourne, and Mötley Crüe.

What is your proudest accomplishment? I got the Twelfth Man Award for being the twelfth man on the football team. I got Student of the Month in high school. My greatest accomplishment is also overcoming the odds. All the hardships and all the tough times that I have been through, I’ve come so far graduating from Newtown High then going into a transition program and I’m soon going to get a job.

If you could travel to the past or future, which would you choose and why? Both. If I could save someone’s life and prevent something bad from happening, I would. No hesitation.

Jordan Cicchesi is The Newtown Bee's most recent Snapshot profile. —Bee Photo, Hicks
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