Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Scheduled
A household hazardous waste drop-off day has been set for Saturday, June 6, from 9 am to 2 pm, at Newtown Public Works, 4 Turkey Hill Road, for all residents in the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority (HRRA) region.
The protocol for the event is as follows:
*You must remain in your vehicle at all times.
*Place only items you want removed at the back of your vehicle.
*Keep your windows rolled up.
*Be ready to place your driver’s license against the window for proof of residency.
*Workers will remove the contents and will be in full safety gear.
No smoking is allowed on the site.
Among the items accepted are paints, stains, and varnishes; furniture and floor polishes; swimming pool chemicals; flea powder and moth balls; engine degreasers; waste fuels; rubber cement, airplane glue; camera batteries, and mercury thermometers.
For a full list of accepted items and items that will NOT be accepted, visit