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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Support Of Important Project Will Yield Bountiful Growing Season



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To the Editor:

Several months ago The Garden Club of Newtown launched a plan to install raised garden beds in the four rows at The Victory Garden that the club manages. After considerable research and number crunching, it was deemed that over the course of the next three years, we could install the desired 20 beds. The installation of these beds would make gardening more accessible to club members, increase the yield of produce, and reduce the amount of weeding.

Club friend John Boccuzzi Sr, president of Friends of Newtown Seniors, advised us to apply for a grant to help fund this project. With his guidance we made an application to The Jeniam Foundation, who determined our project was appropriate to the foundation’s mission and awarded the club a Challenge Grant. Tripp Killin III, executive director, and Debbie Eastburn, administrative assistant, of The Jeniam Foundation, guided us through the launch of a hybrid fundraiser. It is with gratitude that we acknowledge John Boccuzzi and The Jeniam Foundation for their encouragement and support of this important project.

We were successful in raising all the needed funds to install 20 beds this spring. The Garden Club of Newtown would like to thank our members, family, friends, and the Newtown community for their generous donations toward our project. We could not have accomplished this without you. A special thank you to Jeannette Del Vento and Louise Zierzow, co-chairs of the club’s Victory Garden Committee, for their vision to improve our four rows by installing raised garden beds. All the produce that we grow and harvest is donated to local food pantries and to those in need within our community. We look forward to a successful and bountiful growing season.

Paula Toi

President, The Garden Club of Newtown


A letter from Paula Toi.
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