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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Senator Hwang Visits Real Food CT



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State Senator Tony Hwang (R-28) visited Real Food CT, a nonprofit organization based in Newtown that focuses on providing nutrient-rich food to the community, on May 14.

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture awarded Real Food CT with two grants to help obtain a refrigerated truck that will not only elongate the life of the produce they grow, but also allow them to expand their outreach to other communities. They have donated over 30,000 pounds of fresh produce a year to food pantries through the 17 local farms they work with.

“I want to create initiatives that support local farms,” Senator Hwang stated. Right now, on one acre of land, Real Food CT is producing about 10,000 pounds of produce for the Newtown area.

“We started in Newtown, and worked outwards to Danbury and Bridgeport,” executive director Sean Fitzpatrick said. Fitzpatrick’s next goal with Real Food CT is to create a formal food hub marketplace to help bring their produce to schools and hospitals in the area.

Chip Parrish, a board member, said, “I’m super proud of this organization’s hard work.”

But the hard work doesn’t come from only the workers. Real Food CT depends on volunteers to help them maintain the garden and harvest crops. They offer volunteer hours for high school students, and paid internship opportunities for college students.

“We are always looking for more volunteers,” Kim Cosar, a founding member of Real Food CT said, “No experience necessary!”

Reporter Sam Cross can be reached at sam@thebee.com

Senator Hwang talks to Master Gardener Nancy Zychek about the Little Sprouts Garden. The Little Sprouts Garden is a garden planted by preschoolers that volunteer at Real Food CT. In the fall, they planted strawberry plants as requested by one junior gardener. —Bee Photos, Cross
Senator Hwang enjoys a radish picked fresh from the Real Food CT greenhouse.
From left: Sean Fitzpatrick, executive director of Real Food CT; Emily Sullivan, operations manager; David Haze, founding member of Real Food CT; State Senator Tony Hwang; Kim Cosar, founding member of Real Food CT; Nancy Zychek, master gardener.
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