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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

The Cost Of Life



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To the Editor:

What is the cost of a life? A bushel of corn? A parcel of land? Is there a monetary value assigned to a life? The madness continues; our children are again slaughtered. Lawmakers firmly believe it is a trigger mechanism - a plastic stock - that is the culprit and intend to ban these demons, proclaiming the madness will end; yet it continues. How many of our children must perish before we do away with this foolishness? How long will the people allow lawmakers and others to cloud their judgement? Must it be your child that perishes before the fog clears? The notion that humans are not the culprit is pure lunacy.

"Gun control is the answer." Those who believe this are the most clouded or have another agenda besides saving our children's lives. The human takes center stage here, not a gun. Let us demand action in the right direction, and perhaps the madness will end.

Police and armed teachers in every school - is this the perfect solution? No, it is not. However, it may stop the next mass shooting until a permanent solution is found.


Harold Douglas

33 Dorman Road, New Britain May 21, 2018

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