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CFL Bulbs Give Real Savings



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CFL Bulbs Give Real Savings

To the Editor:

My name is Erica Benoit from Newtown High school. I am writing you to inform you on the positive effects of switching from incandescent bulbs to CFLs [compact fluorescent lights].

One person can make a difference when dealing with a small step, big impact, light bulb. It all comes down to decisions. Which one to pick and why? While most people opt for the cheaper incandescent bulb, the CFL will save you money in the long run. By switching light bulbs from incandescent to compact fluorescent you are helping out world.

Money. Money. Money, as if that is not what our world has come down to. “Always buy the cheaper item,” I can hear my mom saying it to me now. In my house, the top five incandescent bulbs that are on in my house cost $117.17. When calculated to CFLs that would cost $25.67, which is $91.50 more a year in your pocket. Not only will you then have more money, you will also be more pleased. Incandescent bulbs last approximately 1,000 hours, whereas a compact fluorescent light bulb lasts approximately 10,000 hours. CFLs last ten times longer and use approximately 75 percent less energy.

Furthermore, by switching your incandescent light bulbs to CFLs you can help save the planet. In my house, I calculated how much carbon dioxide I could save from going into the atmosphere each year by switching my top five used incandescent light bulbs to CFLs. The result was 573.38 lbs/kWh. I calculated the same thing for nitrogen dioxide and also found I could keep 7.32 lbs/kWh from going into the atmosphere each year. Too many greenhouse gases are collecting in our Earth’s atmosphere and switching your light bulbs is an easy was to help the Earth.

In the midst of the money and saving the world, there is conserving and saving energy. By using less energy now you can save it for the future and make oil go just that much further. If people switched light bulbs then we wouldn’t have to spend as much money finding a way to create electricity and then there will be fossil fuels for the future. Also the money saved will help the government.

In conclusion, it makes sense to use CFLs in your home instead of incandescent bulbs, if not everywhere, then at least where your lights are on the most. Saving money, saving the planet, and helping yourself for the future, why wouldn’t you switch from incandescent light bulbs to CFLs if you could achieve all these positive effects? Do yourself a favor and go get compact fluorescent light bulbs to replace your incandescent light bulbs. Thank you!

Erica Benoit

4 Hedge Meadow Lane, Newtown                                 May 12, 2010

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