Growing Vitriol In Newtown
Growing Vitriol In Newtown
To the Editor:
Having once again read the paper and gotten to The Letter Hive section, I was once again disgusted by the vitriol that has crept into our community. There appears to be a growing population that only has hatred and the word âNoâ as part of their vocabulary. They somehow believe that by no longer being socially responsible the world is a better place. Letâs not fix our roads, letâs not improve the education of our youth, letâs not improve the environment, letâs just spout hatred and say no to everything.
I hesitated writing this letter because Iâm sure I have invited having this attitude directed toward me next week. However something happened as I went down to my basement. On the wall was a bumper sticker that we received when we moved to town many years ago. It simply said itâs âNicer in Newtown.â Yes, thatâs the community my family moved to and grew up in. I donât recognize the people who spout their hatred in the paper each week. I do hope that someday what made it Nicer in Newtown does once again return.
Christian Deschermeier
4 Black Walnut Drive, Newtown                                       May 16, 2011