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Helping SNAN At The Duck Race



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Helping SNAN At The Duck Race

Mary Kay Blawie, 9, and Nancy Greto, 11, received certificates of appreciation recently for their initiative in raising money to help the Spay and Neuter Association of Newtown (SNAN).

Mary Kay, the daughter of Karen and John Blawie of Sandy Hook, has baked dog biscuits for SNAN’s bake sales at Lexington Gardens for the past two years.

Nancy, the daughter of Lisa and John Greto of Sandy Hook, designed and made animal bookmarks that she sold at school. She gave her proceeds to SNAN.

“I didn’t want any unwanted pets in the world,” Nancy said, explaining why she supported SNAN’s efforts.

The bookmarks and dog biscuits also will be for sale at the SNAN table at the Great Pootatuck Duck Race that will be sponsored by the Newtown Lions Club on Saturday, May 28, from 10 am to 2 pm, in Sandy Hook Center.

Mary Kay, who attends fourth grade at Hawley School, has a new cookie cutter just for this event, shaped like a dog bone. The peanut butter-flavored dog biscuits are sugarless and made from all natural ingredients.

“I like animals and I like to bake,” Mary Kay said. “This way I do both.”

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