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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Civil Unions Are A Declaration Of Equality



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Civil Unions Are

A Declaration Of Equality

To the Editor:

The approval of civil unions by the Connecticut State Legislature is not a question of morality, but rather a declaration of equality. Why should homosexual couples be denied the same rights as heterosexual couples? That’s discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and I don’t believe discrimination should be sanctioned by the State of Connecticut (or the government of the United States, for that matter). It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s about equal rights. To have a statewide referendum on this matter would be unnecessary; we don’t need to vote on equality. As Americans, we know equality is a right, not a privilege to be enjoyed by the majority.

To assume permitting civil unions opens up the “Pandora’s Box” of marital taboos is absurd. Polygamy, incest, and pedophilia have nothing to do with homosexuality or civil unions, and furthermore there’s no rationale behind grouping them together. To even suggest the legalization of one would lead to another is, frankly, ludicrous.

Lastly, the ability to procreate is not, and should not be, the sole reason as to why couples marry. A sterile couple wouldn’t be denied a marriage license, nor would a couple who just wishes not to have children. That would be discrimination. Do you marry someone because you want to procreate with them? Of course not! You marry someone because you love them. So I ask you, what is so wrong with love? A little more love in this world certainly isn’t going to hurt anyone. In fact, I believe it could be exactly what we need. If that means that homosexual couples are recognized by the State of Connecticut as a union of two people, then so be it. After all, love makes a family.


Tara Meehan

12 Stone Gate Drive, Sandy Hook                                 May 16, 2005

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