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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Al's Trail Explored OverCommunity Television



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Al’s Trail Explored Over

Community Television

A community access Cable Channel 21 television program on Al’s Trail, the ten-mile trail through Newtown, has been produced by four trail leaders who have been working together with many volunteers over two years’ time to complete the trail in time for Newtown’s Tercentennial celebration this summer.

Pat Barkman, vice president of the Open Space Task Force and co-producer of the program, is hopeful that by airing Al’s Trail on four separate show dates, Newtown residents will become better informed about the townwide effort to complete the trail. She also hopes the show will trigger individuals and work parties to target specific improvements needed along the trail’s length.

Sally O’Neil, chairperson of the Conservation Commission, and Conservation Officer Rob Sibley join James Belden, vice president of Trout Unlimited, in explaining the ecology the trail and its relationship to the streams that run beside it at its southern terminus. They will also describe the open space that surrounds both.

Watch for this program on Community Vision 21 at the following four times: Thursday, May 26, at 8:30 pm; Saturday, May 28, at 3 pm; Thursday, June 2, at 8:30 pm; and Saturday, June 4, at 3 pm.

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