Rain, Rain, Go Away: Hawley Drawings Want To Stay
They doodled, they drew, they sketched, and they colored — and volunteers and members of the Hawley School PTA created a mosaic of chalk drawings covering a nearly 150-foot stretch of sidewalk running along the east side of the Church Hill Road school.
“The PTA organized a staff appreciation week for Hawley School for this week to show them how much we care about them and miss them during this distance learning period,” PTA President Jenn Padilla told The Newtown Bee in an e-mail.
The artists were mostly adults, Padilla said, “but there were some kids who helped their parents, as well. We literally captured every single group or person in the building by design. We are a huge family at Hawley and wanted to make sure every single person felt the love.”
Ranging from elegant and elaborate to simple and heartfelt, the group of room parents and volunteers (“The drawings were done by scheduling people to come at staggered times Sunday, [May 17], through [Tuesday morning, May 19] to ensure we kept to social distancing guidelines,” according to Padilla) decorated the walkway with chalk drawings and messages, “... we even drew things for areas like custodial and security and cafe workers, all expressing how much we appreciate and miss them,” Padilla said.
The artwork will be viewable — until the rain washes it away. The appreciation for Hawley staff, though, will be everlasting.
Anyone hoping to visit the drawings should practice social distancing from others, and wear a face mask.