Board Of Education Celebrates NICE Representatives To India
Superintendent of Schools Dr Lorrie Rodrigue invited representatives from a recent trip to India before the Board of Education at its meeting on May 1, to celebrate the group for participating in the trip and "for what they did to enrich the lives of other students."
The school board routinely celebrates students and teachers during its Celebration of Excellence portion of meetings. The celebration on May 1 followed an October presentation to introduce the then-potential new Newtown International Center for Education (NICE) study tour for students. Educators Tim DeJulio and Susan McConnell and resident Reena Sahani spoke at that meeting about the potential new relationship with Vatsalya Gram, a community with three schools in India. After being approved by the school board at a later meeting, the first student trip was scheduled for this past April.
Ms McConnell and Ms Sahani traveled with Newtown High School students Marc Carlson, Jackie Matthews, Danielle Johnson, Claire Dubois, Olivia Shull, Madison Wittmer, and Sophie Wolfman. During the group's stay in India from April 4 to 13, it visited local sights and all three schools at Vatsalya Gram, meeting and working with students at each school.
"I appreciate the support the district gave us and [that it] allowed us to do this," said McConnell at the May 1 meeting. "It was amazing."
While in India, McConnell said, the NHS students were fully immersed in the culture. For one project, the students worked with students in India to create banners representing "self, social, and political" perspectives.
"They were amazing from start to finish. I would go anywhere in the world with these students," said Ms McConnell.
Some of the students who attended the meeting, spoke about their experiences. They described still being connected with the students they had met, seeing a "whole new world," and enjoying the culture.
"I think nothing will ever compare to it. No pictures or stories will ever do it justice. It was just something I hope everybody in the world, every student, gets to experience some day, because it was not a vacation. It was a lifestyle we were able to experience," said student Jackie Matthews.
McConnell thanked Ms Sahani for bringing Newtown and Vatsalya Gram together.
Didi Ma, a spiritual leader who leads efforts at Vatsalya Gram, is set to now visit Newtown, according to Ms Sahani.
"Let's create something and show her what we are," said Ms Sahani, "more than what we are."
Board of Education Chair Michelle Embree Ku thanked Ms Sahani and Ms McConnell for "expanding our students' opportunities and allowing them to grow in such amazing ways."
The students were all presented with certificates to thank them for being representatives of Newtown for the district's student first trip to India.