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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Gottlieb To Present ‘The Eisenhower Interstate System’ For Newtown Historical Society Monthly Library Program



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Connecticut historian, speaker, and veteran Arthur Gottlieb will present “The Eisenhower Interstate System,” on Sunday, May 19, at 2 pm, at C.H. Library. The event is sponsored by Newtown Historical Society and the library.

The United States’ Interstate System is an undeniable bedrock of the American infrastructure, around which our country (literally) navigates its systems of commerce, law, and even the inter-personal relationships of its citizens. While now utilized by most, if not all, travelers on a near-daily basis, knowledge about the system’s remarkable history and development is not nearly as ubiquitous.

Gottlieb will offer insight into the many aspects of President Eisenhower’s involvement in and around the Cold War, and how his commitment to military defense and efficacy led to the eventual conception of a cross-country road system. Well-known for his ability to present complex facts and historical context in an engaging and accessible way, Gottlieb’s lecture will highlight the significant influence the Cold War era had in creating the groundwork for modern day American life.

Gottlieb is a noted speaker on architectural, political, and military history. His impressive career includes a curator position with the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, followed by nearly a decade of successful efforts to recover and preserve historic ships, aircraft, and armor from around the world. He has spent the last two decades providing professional counseling services to veterans and their families, including pro-bono services to soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.

All are welcome to the free event. Donations for the historical society will be gratefully accepted, though not required.

Light refreshments will be served.

Meeting Notice

There will be a short Newtown Historical Society meeting before the lecture for elections and to vote on a proposed amendment to the bylaws. All members of the Society are encouraged to attend and cast their vote.

The amendment reads as follows: “The Board of Trustees shall, when necessary, be authorized to meet remotely using electronic means. The Board shall also, when advisable, conduct its meetings by means of a hybrid model, with remote attendance recognized as equal to in-person attendance, and all votes, whether cast presently or remotely, shall be counted equally. A quorum at any Board meeting shall be determined as 2/5 of the total of Board members and officers eligible to vote being present in person or remotely; this definition of a quorum shall be deemed to replace any such definition previously specified in the by-laws.”

President Eisenhower and his interstate system will be the subject of a lecture Sunday afternoon at C.H. Booth Library. —Fabian Bachrach/Library of Congress photo
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