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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Annual Save The Lake Day Set For May 18 On Lake Lillinonah



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BRIDGEWATER — The annual Lake Lillinonah “Save The Lake Day” sponsored by the organization Friends of the Lake is scheduled for 8 am to noon Saturday, May 18.

Volunteers will be shuttled by pontoon boats, circling Lake Lillinonah’s shorelines to collect man-made trash and debris. Those who would like to help should meet at the Route 133 boat launch in Bridgewater to focus efforts on the shoreline lake clean-up as has been done in past years.

Those who have a pontoon boat, or want to volunteer to help, are asked to arrive prepared with water shoes and help with a few hours of volunteer work on Lake Lillinonah Saturday morning. Coffee and donuts will be provided upon arrival, as well as gloves and garbage bags. Pizza will be served afterwards for all volunteers.

For further information, see friendsofthelake.org.

A previous year’s cleanup on Lake Lillinonah. —photo courtesy Friends Of The Lake
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