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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Night Of Jazz Brings District Ensembles Together



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The 16th Annual Newtown Night Of Jazz brought the district’s four jazz ensembles together to perform for the community during the evening of Thursday, May 7, at Newtown High School.

The Reed Intermediate School’s Jazz Ensemble performed under the guidance of Directors Robert Nolte and Phil Beierle, the Newtown Middle School Jazz Band performed under the guidance of Director Mark Mahoney, and the Newtown High School Gold and Blue Bands were directed by Kurt Eckhardt.

Michelle Hiscavich, the district’s director of music, welcomed all in attendance and said she was happy to be doing so.

“The kids have been working extremely hard,” said Ms Hiscavich, before explaining that the four jazz bands would be performing “round robin” style. 

Songs performed during the event by the Reed Jazz Band included One for the Mooch, Mr P.C., and Cubano Chant,  while numbers performed by the NMS Jazz Band included Cool, Ain’t It The Truth, and La Notche Del Burrito Picante.

NHS Blue Jazz Band included Hayburner, Arnge Drank, and Vertigo in its performance, while the  NHS Gold Jazz Band played Whiplash, Back in Time, and RU Chicken among other numbers

The event was also taped and will be broadcast on Charter’s CommunityVision 21 public access channel, according to Ms Hiscavich.

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