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Dear Lisa: My wife and I would like to get a purebred puppy. I'd like to go to a dog show and see some of the different breeds. I'd also like to talk to some breeders while I'm there. How can I find out where dogs shows are held and once I get



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Dear Lisa: My wife and I would like to get a purebred puppy. I’d like to go to a dog show and see some of the different breeds. I’d also like to talk to some breeders while I’m there. How can I find out where dogs shows are held and once I get there, how do I know which people are the breeders?  – Dog Show Detective

Dear Dog Show Detective: The American Kennel Club sanctions thousands of conformation dog shows, performance events and obedience trials across the country every year. Just about every weekend there is a dog show within a few hours drive from your house.

You will find quality representations of the breeds and the reputable breeders who breed them at the dog shows referred to as conformation events. These shows are the backbone of responsible purebred dog breeding. Historically, these dog shows came into existence at the turn of the 20th century where serious breeders would bring together their best “breeding stock” for evaluation by knowledgeable judges.

Finding a Show

The AKC has a complete listing on their website at www.akc.org under dog events. Go to the “events and awards search” and look up shows by kennel club, date or state. The show address is listed as well as its superintendent. Many superintendents have websites with calendar listings by name, date and state. Three such sites are www.infodog.com and www.raudogshows.com and www.onofrio.com.

These superintendent sites also have a breakdown of breeds, how many are entered and a judging schedule. So you can look up the exact time and ring assignment for your breed. Nothing is more frustrating than to arrive at 12 noon and realize your favorite breed was in the ring at 9am and all the dogs have gone home. Finding these shows is relatively easy but how to locate and more importantly approach breeders at a dog show takes a little more detective work.

Finding a Breeder

Breeders don’t run around at dog shows with a sign on their foreheads stating, “I breed dogs or my bitch is expecting a litter.” Therefore, here are a few tips to help you find the “breeders” at the show.

Get yourself a show catalog. If a dog’s breeder and owner is the same person then this is a likely sign that they will be showing their own dog. If a professional handler is showing the dog for the breeder, he or she can direct you to them if they are at the show. If not, you can find the breeder’s address in the show catalog.

Watch the Bred-By Exhibitor class. Every handler in this class is both the owner and the breeder of the dog. This class is a showcase of the breeder’s best work.  

Don’t approach any breeder or handler during show time. They are most likely getting ready to show and are concentrating on preparing their dog for the ring.

Ask the spectators at ringside if they are a breeder or if they could point you in the right direction.

Go to the grooming area at least an hour before show time and ask around for breeders. The grooming areas are usually under designated tents with loads of crates and grooming table set up.

Cruise the parking lots in the summer. Many people do their grooming right out of their vans. Some breeders even bring along younger puppies with them that you might not otherwise see at ringside.

Once you have found a breeder ask to meet with them after they finish showing.

Depending on when you approach a breeder could make the difference between a quick chat because you picked a bad time to talk and some meaningful discussion about their breed. Timing is everything.

Lisa Peterson, a breeder and exhibitor of Norwegian Elkhounds, is a Delegate to the American Kennel Club. Ask Lisa questions at elvemel@aol.com or P.O. Box 197, Newtown, CT 06470.

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