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Worship Notes For Weekend Of May 16-17, 2020



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PLEASE NOTE: In light of ongoing efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19, including limits on group gatherings, most houses of worship are closed at this time. The following represents the most recent information we have received from local faith communities as of press time.


115 Mt Pleasant Road, Newtown;

203-426-0589; hedayacenter.org

Weekly prayer services are not being offered at this time.


Contact Margo Woodall;

203-241-5525; MDeselin@gmail.com

The Bahai’s of Newtown are hosting a weekly online series on “Spiritual Resilience.” The series is a Facebook Live event from the Baha’is of Newtown Facebook page, Sundays at 1 pm. Each class begins with an interfaith devotional, “with quotes and prayers from the world’s great religions that speak to the them of the day,” according to John Woodall. After the devotional, the class will begin.


371 Old Zoar Road, Monroe;

203-268-8521; beaconhillchurch.org

Don Beachy, Senior Pastor

Nick Calawa, Director of Youth Ministry

Beacon Hill Church is offering live streamed services each weekend, Sundays at 10:20 am (note the time change); links to a recording will also be posted on the church’s Facebook page as available. AWAMA, Men’s Night Ministry, Engage and Equip class are all on hiatus; Youth Night is meeting online via Zoom (contact the office for details); Community Bible Study (CBS) for women is meeting via Skype. Contact the church office for additional information.

We are home to a vibrant, loving community that welcomes everyone with open arms. We have been called the “little country church in the hills of Monroe” for our friendly hospitality. We love Jesus, we love our neighbors, and we’re eager to make your acquaintance. Our vision is “To make and deploy mature and equipped followers of Christ for the sake of Family, Community, and Global transformation.”


444 Main Street North, Southbury

203-267-3394; bnaiIsraelsouthbury.org

Rabbi Eric Polokoff

Rabbi Eric Polokoff and Linda Goodman, director of sacred music, are co-leading services from their homes via Zoom, with a virtual reception line and short Oneg to follow; contact Rabbi Polokoff before 7:30 pm each Friday to receive the necessary code for 7:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Friday Service (limited to 100 links). Services can also be watched through B’nai Israel’s YouTube page.

Shabbat evening services Friday 7:30 and all Jewish holidays.


85 Mt Pleasant Road

at Tory Lane, Newtown

203-426-6300; ctklutherannewtown.org

Pastor Rob Morris

Home of Maggie the Comfort Dog

Current services as follows: daily, Noon Prayer; Wednesday, Evening Prayer at 7 pm; Sunday, Divine Service at 9:30 am. Compline Services every Wednesday at 7 pm. If you come in person, please do follow every CDC recommendation.

If attending in person, please follow all CDC guidelines.

All services are also live streamed on YouTube at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Pastor Morris’s Pastoral Notes are linked to the church’s website.

Christ the King Lutheran Church is a joyful and welcoming community of faith, centered on receiving Jesus Christ in His Gospel and Sacraments and sharing God’s fatherly goodness with all who are in need. Our worship and teaching are rooted in the rich, liturgical tradition of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which holds to the three ecumenical creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian) and the Lutheran Confessions as a faithful exposition of the Bible’s teaching. Visit our website or call the church office for more information. We look forward to meeting you and joining with you in the journey of faith from baptism to our final rest in Christ, our King.



16 Saw Mill Road, Newtown

203-426-8408; lds.org or mormon.org

Contact the church office for current schedule.


115 Huntingtown Road, Newtown

(Mailing address: PO Box 623,

Newtown CT 06470);

203-426-5188; congadathisrael.org

Rabbi Barukh Schectman

Benjamin Glazer, President

David Smith, Education Chair

Bonnie Goldstein, Sisterhood

Adath Israel will live-stream service every Saturday morning until further notice. Hebrew and Sunday school classes are being offered online to all students; teachers have been in contact with their students and families. The CAI Caring Committee, which “plays an important role in our Adath Israel community,” she said, will continue to do so by reaching out to members who might need help of some kind. The synagogue’s leaders are also hoping to reschedule canceled events at a later date, she added.

Proudly celebrating 100 years, Congregation Adath Israel is an egalitarian synagogue dedicated to sustaining Jewish culture, learning, and spirituality in a warm and welcoming environment. We strive to provide families and individuals a connection with Judaism that will endure and be passed on to future generations. We are an open and diverse community that welcomes interfaith families and is committed to creating an inclusive congregation.


Meets at Newtown Meeting House,

31 Main Street

(Mailing Address: PO Box 27,

Southbury CT 06488)

ConnectionsChurchCT@gmail.com; RockyVeach.org

Pastor Adam Watt (203-917-7481)

No in-person services until further notice, but services will be online at noon each Sunday through the church’s website.

Interdenominational evangelical church services Sundays, 10 am; children’s program available. Combining Spirit and Truth, in-depth Bible Study with heartfelt Worship.



Meets at Edmond Town Hall

45 Main Street (Old Courtroom)

Contact Dan Schwartz, 203-733-2811

or DanBSchwartz@gmail.com;

or Richard Lawson, 203-417-8434

or RichardCLawson@charter.net


Eckankar means “Co-worker with God.” It offers ways to explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine. An ECK Light and Sound service normally meets the first Sunday of each month at 11 am, includes discussion of a spiritual quote, a spiritual exercise, and is followed by an informal gathering with some light refreshments.


4 Riverside Road (lower level),

Sandy Hook

203-364-1448; faithatnewtown.org

Pastor Tim Kuhn

Faith at Newtown is currently closed for regular services. Specific messages of encouragement, and each Sunday sermon, can be found online at https://faithatnewtown.org/videos/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgTuDdR8lXw

Faith at Newtown studies the Bible verse by verse, and applies it to everyday living. We gather for worship at 10 am each Sunday morning. Additional gatherings for small groups, prayer, and fellowship. We proclaim God as Creator, Jesus Christ as the Redeemer, and the Bible as our Guide.


27 Roxbury Road

(corner of Routes 6 and 67),

Southbury; 203-262-1944;


The church has “decided to pause our Sunday Services, Wednesday meeting, and Reading Room activities through May 31,” according to a note on its website.


46 Main Street, Bethel 203-743-1877;



Sunday worship is scheduled to be an online service until May 24, when the next regular worship is scheduled, according to the website.


466 Elm Street, Monroe

203-268-7596; gslc-ct.org

Pastor Doug Ryniewicz

Good Shepherd has canceled worship and all activities at the church. Members are advised to join the new Facebook group Good Shepherd-Monroe, which was created as a place to gather and share concerns, joys, funny and spiritual messages; read Pastor Doug Ryniewicz’s sermons, which are posted on the church’s website, and can also be e-mailed to members upon request; continue to support the church through mailed donations, and support local food pantries and feeding programs.

Sunday worship services with Holy Communion at 8 and 10:30 am.


13 Covered Bridge Road, Newtown

203-270-1005; gracect.org

Reverend Adam Fredericks, Lead Pastor

Reverend Barry Fredericks

& Reverend Sheila Fredericks,

Founding & Teaching Pastors

Reverend John Barago,

Associate Pastor

Adrienne Ventresca,

Church Administrator

All services are currently being livestreamed via Facebook (facebook.com/gracect.org) and the church’s website. From Pastor Adam: “If you are in need of prayer, always know that you can call the church at 203-270-1005.”

Sunday worship, 8:30 and 10:15 am; Wednesday evening service at 7; weekly healing service, Thursday 1-2:30 pm; monthly healing service, fourth Wednesday 7 pm.



444 Main Street North, Southbury

203-267-3177; jfed.net

The Jewish Federation of Western CT has announced that all Federation events, including Love & Knishes and mahjong, have been canceled until further notice.

“Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any reason,” staff said via e-mail. “Our building is closed, our Federation is not.”

Staff is working remotely, and can be reached via e-mail: Pauline Zimmerman, president, Jewish Federation of Western CT, fedprez@jfed.net; Cathy Conti, programming coordinator, cconti@jfed.net; and Pamela Perkins, administrative assistant, pperkins@jfed.net.


35 Sugar Street (Route 302), Newtown



Pastor Joey Newton, PhD

Newtown Bible Church is live streaming its services, currently starting at 10:15 am, each Sunday. Click on the website to view.

Newtown Bible Church is committed to unfolding the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ as He is revealed in Scripture (Luke 24:44-47; John 5:39). The “goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Tim. 1:5) and the foundation in the authority and sufficiency of the Bible.


210 Sugar Street (Route 302), Newtown

203-426-6189; newtowncc.org

Reverend Jack Tanner, Minister

Kevin Kuzma, Treasurer

The church began offering streaming services, through Facebook Live, on March 29. Beyond that, all other services have been canceled until further notice.

The congregation is a fundamental Bible teaching group that is locally autonomous. Newtown Christian Church is patterned after the church described in the New Testament writings. Communion is celebrated each Sunday throughout the year. Sunday: Bible School for adults at 9 am, Worship Celebration at 10 am (children’s worship available for children through grade 6).


A member of the United Church of Christ

14 West Street, Newtown

203-426-9024, 203-426-9600


Reverend Matthew S. Crebbin,

Senior Pastor

Reverend Kristen Provost Switzer,

Minister of Youth & Mission

The church building is closed. NCC is offering live-stream worship services at 10 am Sunday; find NCC-CT on YouTube to view or contact the church office for help. The church is also offering a weekly Christian Education lesson for children and young adults via Facebook Live. The programs will begin at 1 pm each Wednesday. They will also be posted to the church’s Facebook page upon completion. Check the church’s Facebook page for virtual programs.

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation has been postponed to Sunday, September 20.

Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome in this Christ-centered open and affirming church. Regular offerings: Nursery Care, Sunday School, Youth Group, 9th grade Confirmation, mission trips, prayer groups, fellowships, Bible Study, and musical opportunities. “God is Still Speaking” and we are still listening!


We are a Stephen Ministry Church

92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook

203-426-9998; numc.us

Reverend Lori Miller, Pastor

Reverend E. Sue Klein, Deacon

NUMC will continue to offer live streaming of its 8 and 10 am services on its website. All are also invited to find and like the church on Facebook. In a note on the church’s website, Pastor Miller recently said that the live streaming would continue “for the foreseeable future.” Links to Zoom meetings will be e-mailed to NUMC members upon request, and will also be posted on NUMC’s website each Sunday morning.


15 Pepper Street (Stepney Green),


203-261-8290; rosarychapel.net

Father Adan Rodriguez, Pastor

The chapel’s website notes that there are to be no public Masses until further notice “for the safety and well-being of the Religious and the congregation.”


A United Church of Christ,

693 South Britain Road (Route 172), South Britain

(Mailing address: PO Box 64,

South Britain 06487)

203-264-5890; southbritainchurch.org

Handicap Accessible

Reverend David Buchan,

Bridge Interim Minister

No Sunday service until further notice. Recent sermons are being posted online; contact the church office for additional information.

Worship service Sunday at 10 am, Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.


423 Main Street, Monroe

203-268-9680; stepneybaptist.com;


Reverend Kevin Merritt, Senior Pastor

Liz Merritt, Associate Pastor

Mark Persson, Youth Minister

Stepney Baptist is offering live stream services through Facebook Live; visit facebook.com/StepneyBaptist for previous services or to watch each new one as it happens.

We are a warm and loving church that purposes to have a passion for God and compassion for people. We worship together on Sundays at 10 am, combining hymns with contemporary music. We share Communion the first Sunday of the month.


111 Peter Road, Southbury

203-264-6446; stjamesct.org

Reverend Paul Sinnott, Interim Pastor

St James Lutheran Church, Southbury, is streaming audio worship services at stjamesct.org/listen, as well as Sunday School Zoom-time, Wednesday evenings, 8 pm. Children have been sent Sunday School lessons. You may join Prayer Calls, and pray with us as a congregation via conference calling.

As this is a different kind of Easter season, we know that our Risen Lord is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! How GREAT is the goodness of the Lord! Be safe, stay prayerful and strong in our Risen Lord Jesus.



174 Whisconier Road, Brookfield Center




Reverend Joseph Shepley, Rector

“Celebrating 236 Years in Spirit”

“Expect A Miracle”

Visit the church’s website to read recent bulletins and to listen to recent sermons.

St Paul’s Church is a welcoming community that worships, serves, studies, and lives out the love of God and life together as a spiritual family centered upon Christ. “It feels like home” is what we often hear as someone walks through our open Red Doors. We are traditional and contemporary in worship, local and global in vision, and loving and connecting in mission. You are welcome here. Sunday Worship at 8 and 10:30 am (Sunday Children’s Sermon and Church School at 10:30).


46 Church Hill Road, Newtown

203-426-1014; strosechurch.com

Monsignor Robert E. Weiss, Pastor

Reverend Alphonse Arokiam,

Parochial Vicar

Live streamed Masses until further notice are scheduled for 6:45 am Monday through Friday; 4 pm Saturday; and 10:30 am Sunday. Visit the church’s website for links to live streams and previous Mass presentation.

We are an exceptionally active and deeply faith-based parish serving the Newtown area. We embrace God’s call to service through the good works of over 60 ministries that include prayer, outreach, service, and support groups, as well as children’s programs, Religious Education and Virgilius Council 185 of the Knights of Columbus.


36 Main Street, Newtown

203-426-9070; trinitynewtownct.org

The Reverend Doctor

Jennifer Glaze Montgomery, Interim Priest In Charge

Reverend Matt Babcock, Curate

Donald Wismann, Director of Music

During this time of “Staying Safe and Staying Home,” we will be offering virtual worship for all. Please visit the “Being Church Now” page on our website for this week’s worship and other virtual offerings. To ensure social distancing, our building is closed, and all our staff are working from home. However, feel free to walk through our parking lot, sit in our prayer garden and walk the outdoor labyrinth while maintaining safe distances. Please check our website, Facebook page, or Instagram feed if you would like to connect. Finally, if you would like confidential prayers prayed on your behalf, e-mail us at Prayers@trinitynewtownct.org.

The Episcopal Church welcomes you! We say it and we mean it! We believe in sharing the Good News of God’s Love through teaching, baptizing, supporting one another, helping those in need, seeking justice and peace, and taking care of God’s creation. Sunday worship for all ages begins at 9:30 am and lasts about an hour.



21 West Whisconier Road, Brookfield

203-775-2624; valleypresct.org

Reverend Deb Packard, Interim Pastor

Valley Presbyterian will not be meeting for worship until further notice, and all Valley activities, including Choir Rehearsals, Bible Studies, Lenten Book Study will be suspended at this time. Members are posting sermons, music, and prayers through the church’s Facebook page (Valley Presbyterian Church-Brookfield), and updates will be found on the Facebook page.

Sunday worship service is celebrated at 10 am. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome to come as you are and receive the riches of God’s blessings; no church experience required.


156 Walnut Hill Road, Bethel

203-796-7373; walnuthillcc.org

Brian Mowrey, Adam DePasquale

& Craig Mowrey, Lead Pastors

Church leaders have posted that “In this unique season, Walnut Hill worship services are taking place online.” Online ministries are also being offered during the week; visit walnuthillcc/org/coronavirus for the latest updates, schedules, and posts.

Walnut Hill Community Church is a welcoming church for fellowship and gathering together as a family to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to ignite a passion for Jesus in New England so that people will come to know the love, hope, healing, and security that can only be found in Jesus Christ. We embrace a “come as you are” philosophy; our church is a diverse family with people from all walks of life. Services are Sunday at 9 am, 11 am, and 5 pm.

Dr Joey Newton, PhD, pastor of Newtown Baptist Church, leads the opening prayer on May 10. Like the majority of the town’s houses of worship, Newtown Baptist has moved to an online presence during the COVID-19 pandemic. —Newtown Baptist Church Facebook video screen grab
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