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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NCC Will Celebrate 300th Anniversary Sunday With Traditional Service



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Newtown Congregational Church will continue its 300th anniversary celebration with a special service on Sunday, May 18.

The public is invited to join members of NCC for a service that will be presented in the style of a Colonial-era service.

The morning will begin at 9:30 am, when the public will be drummed to worship by NCC members dressed in Colonial garb.

The drumming will be done outside Newtown Meeting House, at 31 Main Street. 

Built in 1720, the meeting house was the original home of Newtown Congregational Church. The congregation moved to its current location, 14 West Street, in 1988.

The drumming will call attention to the 10 am worship service. Worshippers will be called to gather at the meeting house, and then walk as a group to the church building on West Street.

Phil Crevier, NCC’s organist, will be playing a harpsichord for the morning’s prelude. Tythingmen will open the service, and deacons will enter the sanctuary and sit on benches facing the congregation that morning. The entrance of ministers will follow, and NCC Senior Pastor Matthew Crebbin will offer the Welcome.

The service will also include an opening prayer, the singing of a Psalm, two baptisms, the reading of Scripture and Exposition, and a Long Prayer.

An offering will be received, with men using traditional boxes with long handles for the duty. Jim Allyn will offer special music, Rev Crebbin will preach the sermon (which will not, organizers promise, run a traditional length of a few hours).

Another Psalm, and then a blessing will by Rev Crebbin will conclude the service. Mr Crevier will also play the morning’s postlude.

Retired Associate Pastor Janice Touloukian and Youth Pastor Allysa De Wolf will also be participating in Sunday’s service.

For additional information call Newtown Congregational Church at 203-426-9024.

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