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Free Goalkeeper Clinics



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Free Goalkeeper Clinics


Newtown Soccer club is offering free goalie clinics for boys and girls registered in “F,” “E’” and “CD” in-house divisions. Travel players in U-10, U-11 and U-12 are also invited to attend. George Kostelis, UCONN women’s assistant coach, will provide the training. Sessions will be held at St. Rose from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on May 16, 18, 23 and 25.  second session is being held for players in the U-13 travel through high school on the same dates from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Breeze Has Openings


The Connecticut Breeze 18-and-under girls’ fastpitch softball team has two roster spots (pitcher and outfielder) remaining for the summer 2000 traveling team. The team will play six tournaments (three local/three travel) and compete in a weekday night league. If interested, please call Mark McCusker at 426-1501 or Tom Charney at 1-203-877-9148.

Monroe U11 Signups


The Monroe U11 girls’ travel soccer team will be holding tryouts for the fall 2000 and spring 2001 seasons on Monday, June 5, from 5 to 6:30 pm, at Monroe Elementary School, 375 Monroe Turnpike, in Monroe. Players born on or between August 1, 1989 and Juky 31, 1990 are eligible to try out. Monroe United is an A level team with a career record of 46-2-5. They were the U9 champions at the Columbia-Windham, Ridgefield and Avon tournaments and were the U10 champions at the Farmington and Northport, Long Island tournaments. Call Steve Vavrek at 261-5801 or Kippy Johnson at 452-1538 for further information.

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