The Reality Of Recession
The Reality Of Recession
To the Editor:
I am amused and shocked that no past letters to the editor regarding the town budget contain the essence of the situation. We are in a recession! Many of the letters seem to encourage us to spend more. Iâve got news for these people; thatâs how we got into our current situation.
We know that the teachers didnât get a raise but the administrators did. By the way, why do you think that everyone must get a raise every year? Most of the people paying your salaries do not have that luxury.
Now the same administrators that got the raises are using the Newtown educational email system to urge a Yes vote on the budget because Dr Robinson fears that their budget may be cut on the next round. This seems to me like an employee using the company email to threaten the management.
Higher taxes discourage potential home buyers and reduce property values. With many of our friends taking a cut in pay (being glad they have a job) and with some people losing their homes, itâs time we cut further taxes and tighten our budgets to benefit all of the people in Newtown.
Chet Hopper
131 Boggs Hill Road, Newtown                                      May 12, 2010