Had Enough? Vote No
Had Enough? Vote No
To the Editor:
Iâve had enough of voting for budgets that are just good enough. I did not move to Newtown 11 years ago because it was just good enough. We spend less per student on education in this town than comparable districts and the budgets still get cut every year.
Iâve had enough of the PTAs, Board of Ed, and administrators telling us to vote Yes out of fear the budget will be cut even more. The budgets in Hartford and Washington need to be cut, not here in Newtown! If youâve had enough too, then vote No. And follow that up by writing a letter to the editor, participating in The Bee survey or showing up at a Legislative Council meeting to make your opinion known. And be ready to keep voting No until adequate funding is restored to the education budget. There are a lot of things broken in this town; letâs not break the schools too.
Michael McCabe
5 Far Horizon Drive, Sandy Hook                                  May 11, 2010