Chase School Accepting Registrations For Summer Studies
Chase School Accepting Registrations
For Summer Studies
Chase Collegiate Schoolâs Summer Studies and Enrichment Program is now accepting registration for students of all ages.
For children in grade school, Chase offers science, writing, and math courses. Middle school offerings include SSAT preparation courses, as well as writing, math, and study skills. Classes for upper school students include Spanish I, Algebra I, study skills, writing, and a full-credit geometry honors course.
Courses vary in length and run in June and July. Complete, detailed descriptions and fees of all Summer At Chase programs and registration forms can be found at or by calling Tomas Kopecky, Summer At Chase director at 203-236-9532. All camps take place on the Chase Collegiate School campus, 565 Chase Parkway, Waterbury, located off I-84. Registration is now open for all programs.