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Cancer Society Offers Weekend Retreat For Cancer Patients And Their Families



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Cancer Society Offers Weekend Retreat For Cancer Patients And Their Families

When one family member has cancer, the entire family is affected. Each person’s needs change, but it can be a challenge to find quality time to deal with these changes as a family.

The American Cancer Society’s weekend retreat for adult cancer patients and their families, known as “We Can Weekend,” offers families the opportunity they need to step out of the rush of daily routines, come together as a family, and meet others who are also coping with cancer.

On June 11–13, the American Cancer Society will offer two sessions of We Can Weekend, one at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass., and one at Geneva Point Center on Lake Winnipesaukee in Center Harbor, N.H. A third session is planned for November 13–14 at Whispering Pines Conference Center on the W. Alton Jones Campus of the University of Rhode Island in West Greenwich.

Residents of the six New England states may attend any of the three sessions. The We Can Weekend in Massachusetts is cosponsored by Rays of Hope.

The We Can Weekend offers a relaxing atmosphere in which adult cancer patients and their families can focus on the issues that arise when one family member is living with cancer. While the purpose is a serious one, the We Can Weekend includes a full measure of fun. Family members eligible to attend include spouses, children, parents, grandparents, significant others, close friends, and caregivers.

The event is facilitated by American Cancer Society volunteers and area health care professionals.

Workshops will be offered for all family members during the weekend, addressing such topics as communication, stress management, nutrition, cancer facts and fallacies, and living with recurrence. Group discussions will allow all family members to share concerns and learn new strategies for coping with cancer.

Art projects, games, and physical activities for school-age children and teenagers will be offered. Friday and Saturday evening will feature entertainment for the whole family. Special activities such as tai chi, reiki, and massage therapy will also take place.

There is a nominal fee of $35 per family for the entire weekend, which includes all meals and lodging. Financial assistance is available. All registrations for the June sessions must be received by May 31. To register for the We Can Weekend, or for more information, call the American Cancer Society 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-ACS-2345 (voice) or 866-228-4327 (TTY).

The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by saving lives, diminishing suffering, and preventing cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Founded in 1913 and with national headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, the Society has 14 regional Divisions and local offices in 3,400 communities, involving millions of volunteers across America.

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