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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Forest Association Plans Monthly Walks To Celebrate Tercentennial



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Newtown Forest Association Plans Monthly Walks To Celebrate Tercentennial

In connection with Newtown’s Tercentennial Celebration this summer, the Newtown Forest Association (NFA) will be sponsoring monthly, guided nature walks on some of its properties.  All residents are welcome and membership is not required

The first walk steps off at 11 am on Saturday, May 14, at the Holcombe Hill Preserve off Great Hill Road. It will be a moderately easy hike and rain date is Sunday, May 15, at the same time.

Each of these walks will be led by one or more NFA board members who will explain the history of the property and discuss some of the plants and wildlife that may be seen during the walk.

The hikes will take approximately one hour and will be for people at all levels.  Family participation is encouraged, since these trails are family friendly.

Hikers are asked to dress properly and wear adequate sun and tick protection. Upon the conclusion of each hike, everyone should thoroughly inspect themselves for deer ticks.  All hikers should bring their own food and water. 

Hikes at the Holcombe Hill Preserve, where NFA offices are located, will conclude with a tour of the grounds.  This vista-top location provides the best and longest view that Newtown has to offer.

For more information about the Summer Hike Program visit the NFA website at NewtownForestAssociation.org.

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