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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Brownie Troop 337 Book Drive



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Brownie Troop 337 Book Drive

In honor of the Newtown Tercentennial, first grade Brownie Troop 337 has been collecting new and lightly used books suitable for readers in grades K through four. The Book Drive started in late March and to date the girls have collected 900 books, three times their original goal of 300.

These books will initially be donated to the Head O’ Meadow School library, with duplicates being passed along to classroom libraries.

Head O’ Meadow librarians Joyce Kuzmick and Dina Lago have worked hard to prepare the books for use by covering them in protective wrap, coding them, and placing them in the library computer system. The girls helped out in counting and processing the books for the school library. A sticker will be placed in each book that reads, “Donated through the efforts of Brownie Troop 337 in honor of Newtown’s Tercentennial.” 

This drive is the Brownie Troop’s Tercentennial project and each girl will earn a tercentennial patch to wear on her vest. The book drive in ongoing through June 10 and a collection box is located in the lobby of the school.

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