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It Is Nicer In Newtown



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To the Editor:

I seldom write Letters to the Editor.

I am a resident of Newtown for 64 years, raised my five children here, and just needed to share why I love this town.

On my way home from St Rose today, May 5th, stopped at the traffic light at the intersection of Church Hill Road, my car “died” as I was in the middle lane, the right lane going on to 84 eastbound and the left lane going into the Starbucks parking lot. I was waiting for the police to arrive as I was concerned that my inability to move was causing cars trying to pass me on both sides and could end up in creating an accident.

While sitting there, a young man saw my dilemma (I am so sorry I did not get his name) parked his pick up in the Starbucks parking lot and came to help me. At this time a woman in a large vehicle stopped behind me (and did not get her name either — guess I was upset) and both of these wonderful people helped me back my car into the parking lot of the Blue Colony Diner, removing me and my car off Church Hill Road and all the traffic.

Police Officer Charles Guernsey arrived and several other gentlemen came to help him push my car into a parking spot. I was able to contact a local garage that came and towed my vehicle and Officer Guernsey was kind enough to bring me home.

As I always have said, IT IS NICER IN NEWTOWN — and it is nice to be able to share some good news how wonderful it is to live here.

Mary Obre

Sandy Hook

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