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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Trailer Park Resident Arrested On Federal Drug Charges



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Trailer Park Resident Arrested On Federal

Drug Charges

Newtown police, Danbury police, and US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents went to the Meadowbrook Terrace Mobile Home Park on May 5 to serve an arrest warrant lodging unspecified federal drug charges against trailer park resident James Ceperly, 45, Newtown police said.

Newtown police said that Unit 27 at the trailer park at 55 Sugar Street (Route 302) was the last known address of Ceperly, so they went there looking for him.

Newtown police said they brought Danbury police and DEA agents to Unit 27 at about 9:26 am, after which Ceperly arrived there and was taken into custody without incident by the DEA.

Ceperly reportedly was arrested on federal drug charges in connection with a Danbury-based drug trafficking ring.

In a recent letter of complaint to town and state officials, some anonymous trailer park residents mentioned Unit 27 as one of several units at the trailer park that pose problems for residents there. Those complaints included allegations of drug activity.

Newtown police filed no local criminal charges against Ceperly on May 5.

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