Still At War With The Virus
To the Editor:
When will President Biden learn, also his advisers, and the majority of Americans, it took only took three states to be infected with coronavirus last year before the entire nation became infected?
And they should realize we still are at war with the deadly virus.
When a nation is at war, its primary concern should be about the war — not about secondary issues like government finances.
The majority of our nation has not yet been inoculated, and millions of them refuse to get the life saving vaccines for various reasons.
President Biden had a golden opportunity during his address to Congress [April 28] to initiate a national plan to declare war on this deadly virus and overcome it. The only way we will ever win this war is until everyone in this nation who is in the public be required to be vaccinated!
To accomplish this, everyone who must deal with the public, as soon as possible, must be vaccinated and wear a mask for two or three weeks. Naturally, everyone entering this country should be quarantined for two weeks. Testing should also be expanded to insure they are not infected with the disease.
If we don’t take these steps now to control to control the virus, we will be wearing masks until next year, and millions more Americans will continue to get ill and many more will die!
Paul Adinolfi
189 Julia Court, Sandy Hook May 7, 2021
I’m not sure your recommendation of wearing a mask for two or three weeks is aligned with the recommendations of expert bodies like the CDC, who have put forth a more comprehensive guideline covering indoor and outdoor activity and more.