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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Foundation Postpones Distribution Committee Hearings



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The board of directors of the Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation announced Monday that it has asked the Foundation’s Distribution Committee to postpone the public hearings that were scheduled to take place in Newtown on May 7 and 8.

The board made this decision to allow for a meeting between board members and representatives of the Connecticut Attorney General’s office to review the process that was used to determine the amount of funds ($7.7 million) set to be distributed to those most impacted by the tragic events of December 14, 2012.

Following the meeting with the attorney general’s office, the Distribution Committee will announce new details for the rescheduled public hearings.

The foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization established to oversee the distribution of the more than $11 million that the Sandy Hook School Support Fund received to date.  Established jointly by United Way of Western Connecticut and Newtown Savings Bank, the Fund was designed to support the Newtown community following the Sandy Hook School tragedy.

In March 2013, the United Way of Western Connecticut transferred 100 percent of contributions made to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund to the Foundation.  All subsequent donations also will be transferred to the foundation on a monthly basis, ensuring that 100 percent of the money contributed to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund will be dispersed by the foundation in order to benefit the Newtown community.

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