Things To Consider
Things To Consider
To the Editor:
A group of concerned citizens, including Pat Bailey, Marcia Cavanaugh, Nancy Kennedy, Carol Mattegat, Millie Anderson, Barbara Krausz, and myself, asks the community to consider problems we face before attempting another budget adoption.
Cost of living has become untenable because:
1. Heating costs have risen.
2. Gasoline prices keep spiraling up.
3. Food prices continue to rise.
4. Electricity bills have crept up.
5. Senior citizens have had no increase in their Social Security checks for three years.
6. Loss of income for over 1,035 families in Newtown as of the writing of this letter (Connecticut Economic Digest) can be seen online.
7. Budgets are sorely stretched.
8. School enrollment declining.
A group of concerned citizens ask for a flat year (no increase in taxes)
Thank you for your attention.
Paula Stephan
65 Elizabeth Circle                                                          April 29, 2011