A Simple Solution
A Simple Solution
To the Editor:
In response to Cheryl Arendâs letter [Letter Hive, âThe Middle School Traffic Snarl,â 4/29/11]:
Cheryl, with all respect, all of the issues you listed in your letter about the congestion at the middle school in the morning would be solved if you changed one thing â put your children on the bus!
Traffic in town would be reduced, children crossing the street would be less danger, business people would have an easier commute, the environment would be cleaner due to you not duplicating the bus route, and your children would never be tardy again.
You are the primary reason why there are all the issues in town every morning. If all the kids were on the taxpayer-provided bus, the traffic issues would disappear and this town would be a better place in the morning.
So stop whining about issues you are causing.
Mark Dawley
10 Jangling Plain, Newtown                                              May 3, 2011