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School Board Celebrates NHS Students For Helping A Stranger In Need



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The Board of Education celebrated Newtown High School students Thomas Jensen and Timothy White at its meeting on May 1 for their actions in helping a stranger in need recently in Trumbull.

Superintendent of Schools Dr Lorrie Rodrigue explained Thomas and Timothy helped Gregg Basbagill of Trumbull after he fell near the Pequonnock River, across from a rail trail in Trumbull, on April 22. He had dislocated his elbow and broken part of his radius. The students were out hiking that day because Thomas was working on his Eagle Scout hiking merit badge.

Both students are members of Boy Scout Troop 770.

"Within two minutes our students [Timothy and Thomas] crossed the river to help him out," said Dr Rodrigue. "They helped him back across the river and stayed with him until EMS arrived, proving once again that we have such caring students here at Newtown High School."

Mr Basbagill also attended the Board of Education's May 1 meeting, and he was introduced to the school board, along with Thomas and Timothy. Mr Basbagill explained he is a teacher at Trumbull High School.

"I was hopeless and helpless until they arrived," Mr Basbagill said, adding that he was "in a panic." The students told him he was doing well and would make it. He said later, "They literally had my back crossing the river. That was really nice."

Board of Education chair Michelle Embree Ku presented the young men with certificates to note the celebration.

"Thanks to both students for being good samaritans," said Dr Rodrigue.

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