Repaving Project Slated To Start May 6
Motorists traveling in the Church Hill Road area lying west of Interstate 84 should expect travel delays during the next two weeks, while a repaving project is underway to resurface roadways at and near the realigned intersection of Church Hill Road, Commerce Road, and Edmond Road.
Work has been underway since the spring of 2018 in a $2.85-million state Department of Transportation (DOT) roadway improvement project designed to generally enhance traffic flow and travel safety in the congested area, which has the highest local accident rate. Workers recently installed new replacement traffic signals at two major intersections in that area.
DOT spokesman Kevin Nursick said May 3 that the roadway repaving project will occur from 9 am to 3 pm daily, from Monday, May 6, to Friday, May 10.
The repaving project will resume during the nighttime from Sunday, May 12, to Saturday, May 18. Work hours that week are scheduled to run from 6 pm to 6 am daily, Mr Nursick said.
Large electronic sign boards in the construction area now have messages flashing on them, alerting motorists of the planned repaving project.
During the repaving work, police will control traffic, as needed, to get the roads resurfaced.
On Friday, May 3, workers along Church Hill Road were doing preliminary tasks for the repaving work, such as installing stormwater catch basins. Workers recently built new concrete sidewalks and also created concrete curb cuts for commercial driveways in the area.
As the long-planned project to convert Church Hill Road, Commerce Road, and Edmond into a conventional four-way signalized intersection nears an end, construction work is continuing on a new retail complex at 73-75 Church Hill Road, whose entry-only driveway will be located at the intersection of Church Hill Road and eastbound I-84's Exit 10 ramps. An entry/exit driveway will connect that complex to a new section of Edmond Road.