Crop Walk Set For May 4
Crop Walk Set For May 4
The annual Newtown-Sandy Hook Crop Walk will be held on Sunday, May 4, starting from the front steps of Trinity Church by the flagpole at 2 pm.
The five-mile walk, sponsored by the churches of Newtown, supports world hunger projects under the auspices of Church World Service. Through the years, thousands of dollars for local, national, and international hunger programs have been raised by the walkers.
Sponsor sheets for walkers are available at local churches.
The walk will go from the center of town to Head Oâ Meadow School on Boggs Hill Road and back. Registration for the walk begins at 1:45 pm on the steps of Trinity Church on May 4. Although prior registration is encouraged so that maximum funds can be raised, walkers are permitted to register on site the afternoon of the Crop Walk.