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 Services for Newtown seniors are sponsored by the Commission on Aging and are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. For more information about programs offered at the Senior Center call 270-4310.



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 Services for Newtown seniors are sponsored by the Commission on Aging and are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. For more information about programs offered at the Senior Center call 270-4310.

For information on federal, state and community resources available to seniors, call 270-4330 or 270-4315. Newtown’s Municipal Agent for the Elderly is Alisa Awalt. She can be reached at 270-4330.

You may drop in at the Senior Center on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook weekdays between 10 am and 4 pm. A hot meal is served at noon for which you must reserve three days in advance.

Newtown has daily door-to-door mini-bus service Monday through Friday. Monday from 1 to 3 pm the mini-bus will go to Sand Hill Plaza. Fridays, the bus will alternate going to Danbury Fair Mall and to Berkshire Shopping Plaza. Cost is 60 cents each way for the Sand Hill Plaza trip, 75 cents each way for out of town. Call 748-2511 TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE to book a ride and get the out-of-town Friday schedule.

News For Week of May 8-12

TAP DANCING CLASS — Pat Babbage’s tap dance class has wrapped up for the season. The group will resume in September. Call 270-4310 to sign up.

AN OSTEOPOROSIS LECTURE will be presented on Thursday, May 25, at 1 pm. Lenore Ruby, a nationally registered and state-licensed radiologic technologist from American Mobilscan, LLC, will present an informational lecture on the importance of osteoporosis screenings. She will concentrate on bone densitometry, known as DEXA scanning, of the hip and spine. Call 270-4310 to sign up.

A MOTHER’S DAY FASHION SHOW will be presented in Edmond Town Hall’s Alexandria Room on Wednesday, May 10, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The show will feature fashions from Northern Reflections. Reservations are required; call 270-4310. Make your bus arrangements now, also.

The deadline to apply for PROPERTY TAX RELIEF at the Assessor’s Office at Edmond Town Hall is May 15. Apply directly at the Assessor’s Office. Call Social Services at 270-4330 or the Assessor’s Office at 270-4241 for help.

Officer Robert Haas will visit the senior center and discuss EVERYDAY SAFETY on Wednesday, May 17, from 1 to 2 pm. He will address such topics as home, call, mall and highway safety, as well as how to avoid scams. Call 270-4310 to reserve your seat.

There will be a TRIP PRESENTATION concerning this fall’s “Heart of Europe Holiday Tour” (October 16-23) at the center on Wednesday, May 24, at 1 pm. Come to the center that afternoon for an in-depth preview of the exciting trip. Call 270-4310 to reserve a seat.

NEW HORIZONS meets the first Tuesday of each month. The next meeting is June 6.

THE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meets the first Wednesay of the month from 2 to 3 pm. Our next meeting will be June 7, and the book to be discussed is West With The Night by Beryl Markham.

AN OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENING will be held at the center on Friday, June 9. Hip and spine screenings will be done by MobileScan; these tests should be requested by your doctor. Come tot he center to pick up a packet of information for your doctor. Call 270-4310 for an appointment.

OUR ANNUAL PICNIC this year will be Wednesday, June 21, from 11 am to 3 pm. Call 270-4310 to sign up.

A CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP is forming at Danbury Senior Center, which will be facilitated by Diana Jones, a national certified and licensed professional counselor. The group will be meeting the second Thursday of the month. Call Ms Jones 778-5888 or Kathy Hull, at 203/312-5665, with questions or for a reservation if you plan to attend.

Please join us every Monday for BIBLE STUDY. We meet at 1 pm.

Join us at BROOKFIELD LANES each Tuesday and Thursday for a great time bowling. We meet at noon and the cost is only $1.25 per game.

We have started a NEW QUILTING CLASS that meets every Friday at 10 am. We are in full swing. The name of the current quilt is “Sunrise to Sunset.” These quilts are individually made.

The center is assembling a MILLENNIUM BOOKLET. Share your reflections, thoughts or memories about your life or time in our town. Please mail them or drop them off here at the center.

TRIP BOOKLETS, describing our trips for the year, are now available at the center. One trip booklet per family, please, and you must come to the center to pick up your booklet.

Mark your calendars for the following trips:

GREASE is at the Westchester Dinner Theatre. Come and see this classic again on May 31. Departure is 9:30 am, and the cost is $54 per person.

An IRELAND GETAWAY is planned for June 6-15. Costs are $2,399 for double or triple accommodations or $2,699 for single, which includes round-trip transportation to Ireland, airfare from JFK to Shannon, roundtrip transfers, hotel, 16 meals, sightseeing, taxes and bagges. Full informational fliers are available at the center.

HUNT’S LANDING BROADWAY TRIBUTE — Tuesday, June 13, $54 per person, 9:30 am departure. Enjoy broadway impersonators as you stroll down memory lane. The trip’s cost includes breakfast, a two-hour beer, wine and soda bar; one hour open bar; lunch, and a special departure memento.

SCOTT’S FAMILY RESORT, June 26-30, on Lake Oguaga in New York. Enjoy non-stop activities suitable for everyone. See trip booklet for more details. Costs are $425 for double, $525 single.

AIR & SEA, OLD RHINEBECK & HUDSON: enjoy vintage cars and planes, lunch at Guido’s, and a two-hour cruise on the Hudson. The trip will be Tuesday, June 27; departure is 8:30 am; and cost is $56 per person.

On July 5, enjoy a day trip to Westchester Dinner Theatre for The Sound of Music. Don’t miss out on this timeless classic, with its wonderful music. Cost is $54 per person, and departure is set for 9:30 am. Call now to sign up.

SCHOONER SAILING aboard the 81-foot Argia out of Mystic, for three hours on Wednesday, August 2. Lunch is a choice of steamed lobster, filet of fish or BBQ chicken, with all the trimmings. Cost is $58, and departure is 8:30 am. Call 270-4310 to sign up.

Only 22 seats are available for CAPE COD, September 10-12. Coasts are $319 double, $379 single. Enjoy the best of Falmouth and Martha’s Vineyard. See trip booklet for details.

A NEW ORLEANS GETAWAY begins September 27. Costs are $939 double, $1,289 single, or $919 for triple accommodations. Explore the city from your temporary home in the French Quarter. See all the sights, shop, and browse the antiques shops. Come to our presentation on March 22 at 1 pm and learn more.

SHADES OF IRELAND, which departs September 29, is also available. Costs are $1,999 for twin or $2,399 for single accommodations. Full details are available at the senior center.

HEART OF EUROPE HOLIDAY will be October 16-23, at a cost of $1,999 per person double occupancy. We will stay in one hotel, and the cost of the trip covers 15 meals, eight escorted days in Holland, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. A presentation on this trip will be offered Wednesday, May 24, at the center; fliers are already available.

Menu For Week Of May 8-12

Reservations must be made three days in advance.

Meals are subject to change.

Meals include milk and margarine.

Monday: Lemon chicken, boiled parsley potatoes, peas and carrots, whole wheat bread, cranberry juice, apple crisp w/ topping;

Tuesday: Veal patty w/ onion gravy over egg noodles, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, diet fruited Jell-O w/ topping;

Wednesday: Split pea soup, unsalted crackers, spinach quiche, glazed carrot coins, French bread, fruit cocktail;

Thursday: Spaghetti w/ meatballs, Italian green beans, garlic bread, vanilla pudding w/ topping;

Friday: Seafood Newburgh, rice, peas, biscuits, Mother’s Day cake.

Activities Schedule, May 8-12

Monday: AM Pinochle/Bridge, art class; PM yoga, Bible study;

Tuesday: AM Pinochle, keyboard, exercise; PM bowling (at Brookfield Lanes);

Wednesday: AM line dancing, Pinochle; PM Bingo, Mother’s Day Fashion Show (**at Edmond Town Hall’s Alexandria Room);

Thursday: AM exercise, Pinochle, tap dance; PM crafts, bowling (at Brookfield Lanes);

Friday: AM mah jongg, sewing, quilting; PM knitting.

 Remember, you must call three days in advance to book a meal or a ride, 270-4310; the Senior Bus, 748-2511.

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