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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Heartfelt Stories



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Heartfelt Stories

To the Editor:

My daughter and I attended the screening and panel discussion of Harvey Hubbell V’s documentary, Dislecksia: The Movie! which was presented as part of the Connecticut Film Festival. It was wonderful to have offerings from the festival available to us at the Edmond Town Hall.

The questions and heartfelt stories the film inspired from the audience, and the responses from the assembled experts about advances in language research, helped this educator realize how vital it is to advocate translating research into best teaching practice for the benefit of all of our children, not just those with learning disabilities. At the viewing, Mr Hubbell shared his goal that the film be used as a starting point for dialogue. I believe Mr Hubbell’s film would be a valuable asset for teacher training programs and for in-service professional development nationwide. I congratulate him for this achievement!

Bravo to Newtown leaders for recognizing the value of the arts even in tough economic times. Thank you to the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission for bringing this and other high quality events (Flagpole Radio Cafe — May 30th — be there!) to our town.

Priscilla Jones and Clare Boyle

5 Meadow Road, Newtown                                             April 29, 2009

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