Occupation: I have been a personal financial advisor with American Express for six years. Prior to this, I worked in finance and accounting for Hayday Corp. I earned my bachelor's degree in psychology from Southern Connecticut State University and
Occupation: I have been a personal financial advisor with American Express for six years. Prior to this, I worked in finance and accounting for Hayday Corp. I earned my bachelorâs degree in psychology from Southern Connecticut State University and my masterâs in finance and international business from Sacred Heart University.
How Long in Newtown: I have lived in Newtown for four years. Previously I lived in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport. I grew up in Westport.
Family: My husband, Michael, and I have been married for six years. We are expecting our first child.
Pets: I have a cat, Garfield, who looks just like Garfield; two dogs, Spanky and Jasper; two goats, Alice and Keegan; and a pot bellied pig named Kramer.
Hobbies: Reading and gardening. I have a private pilotâs license and once was part of a flying club. I hope to do more flying in the future.
Favorite Books and Authors: I like legal thrillers, such as by John Grisham. I recently read his book The Painted House. It was not what I was expecting from him. I also like books by Michael Crichton, Danielle Steele, and Mary Higgins Clark. I like a good variety.
Favorite TV Show: West Wing.
Organizations: Newtown Business and Professional Women (BPW) and Newtown Newcomers Club. I also volunteer with Junior Achievement. (Note: Ms Leonard has been selected as the Newtown BPWâs Young Careerist for 2001.)
Most Vivid Memory of Newtown: Ice cream at the Ice Cream Shop on weekend nights.
Favorite Vacation Spot: We enjoy traveling. We also like to stay home and relax as much as we like to travel. Bozeman, Montana, is probably the most beautiful vacation spot.
Personal Philosophy: Live each day as if it were your last. Enjoy every day you have. Treat others as they would want to be treated.