Lillinonah Audubon Society-Walk With Wildflowers, Enjoy Potluck Lunch
Lillinonah Audubon Societyâ
Walk With Wildflowers, Enjoy Potluck Lunch
Southbury â Local nature enthusiasts are invited to join members of the Lillinonah Audubon Society (LAS) as they kickoff a series of spring field trips. The first event is a spring wildflower walk taking place at 10 am on Saturday, April 30, at the Bent of the River Audubon Center nature preserve located on East Flat Hill Road (directions below).
Martha Cushman will begin the walk at the entrance kiosk and lead participants on a leisurely excursion along the meadow and riverside trails of the 660-acre preserve. She will focus on spring flora such as bloodroot, Dutchmanâs breeches, spring beauty, and trout lily. The walk will last about two hours. Call Martha at 798-0477 if you plan to attend.
In addition to the wildflower walk, join LAS for the annual meeting and potluck lunch at the Bent of the River education barn following the wildflower walk. The potluck will begin at 1 pm and the annual meeting and election of officers will take place at the luncheon. Please bring a dish to share; LAS will supply hot and cold drinks. Preregister for the lunch by calling Carol Dicks at 264-6390 or Martha Cushman at 798-0477.
The Audubon Center at Bent of the River is at 185 East Flat Hill Road. Take Exit 14 off I-84 and turn left onto Route 172 North. Go through the light into South Britain and watch for East Flat Swamp Road on the left (after the Country Store and before the Congregational Church). The Audubon Center entrance and parking area is a short distance on the left. Trails are open to public seven days a week during daylight hours. Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm; 264-5098. No fees unless otherwise noted.